Welcome to ProTalento - HACU's Job Board for Higher Education

Get Started today simplifying your job search.

ProTalento - HACU's Job Board for Higher Education is your trusted source for job openings.
ProTalento also works to connect higher education institutions and higher education professionals seeking Global Faculty Exchange opportunities.

Click Here For Employer Rates And Plans 


Job and Global Faculty Exchange Postings

Post jobs and/or faculty exchange opportunities manually as you need them filled.

Resume Matching

Match your jobs to candidates with the click of a button.

Message Center

Communicate with candidates directly from our Message Center before you schedule an interview.

Custom Dashboard

All of your account stats are displayed on an easy-to-read dashboard each time you sign in so you can continually monitor your ROI.

Email Templates

Email templates make it easy for you to quickly contact individual candidates or a group of potential candidates.

Sign up today!

* The ProTalento job board is intended to promote only full-time and part-time job opportunities. Non-traditional job postings are not allowed for posting. Entities should refrain from posting internship, fellowship, or volunteer opportunities. ProTalento reserves the right to remove any postings that do not adhere to the intent of the job board postings. Please be aware that, if any such opportunities are posted and paid for through the online system, ProTalento will not issue refunds or reimbursements.

If you are interested in learning more about the HACU National Internship Program (HNIP) and/or how to partner to source interns, please send an inquiry to hnip@hacu.net.


Job and Global Faculty Exchange Opportunities

Search and apply to jobs and/or faculty exchange opportunities that meet your lifestyle.

Job Matches

We automatically match jobs to your profile.

Easy Apply

Apply with your resume to save time. Your resume is saved for future applications.

Job Alerts

Get alerted when new jobs are posted. Create as many free Job Alerts as you want.

Text Message Alerts

Be the first to apply to a new job when you receive instant text notifications.