Welcome  Employers

Advertise all your jobs today! Find job seekers in all industries and from higher education community nationwide. Post your job now.

Click Here for ProTalento Rates and Plans.

Are you eligible for the Member rate? Click HERE to check if your company is a HACU member. 

* The ProTalento job board is intended to promote only full-time and part-time job opportunities. Non-traditional job postings are not allowed for posting. Entities should refrain from posting internship, fellowship, or volunteer opportunities. ProTalento reserves the right to remove any postings that do not adhere to the intent of the job board postings. Please be aware that, if any such opportunities are posted and paid for through the online system, ProTalento will not issue refunds or reimbursements.

If you are interested in learning more about the HACU National Internship Program (HNIP) and/or how to partner to source interns, please send an inquiry to hnip@hacu.net.

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ProTalento - HACU's Job Board for Higher Education 

ProTalento provides an opportunity for employers to connect with job seekers looking for meaningful employment in various industries.

ProTalento can streamline your hiring process by providing a robust job seeker database, exclusive Match Jobs to Candidates feature, custom email templates, instant notifications when job seekers register, and a messaging center to communicate with job seekers. And so much more!


Job Posting Services

Job Distribution

Match jobs to job seekers

Message center

Dashboard reporting

Email templates