HACU Global Faculty Exchange
Company Information
HACU's Global Faculty Exchange is a connection point between higher education institutions, both national and international, to connect with faculty across the globe who are interested in working abroad or domestically for a limited time. Facilitated via ProTalento Job Board, faculty can apply directly to opportunities as they are posted by host institutions. These opportunities may be particularly attractive to faculty or administrators on sabbatical or recently retired, or those able to do it in the summer or otherwise. Host institutions stand to benefit importantly from such talent and expertise at an affordable cost.
HACU Members
If you are a college or university representative from a HACU member institution, please contact Richard Montez (Executive Director of Member Services) to get free access to this service. He can be reached at 210-576-3246.
Non-Member Institutions
If you are a college or university representative from an institution that is not a HACU member, we invite you to utilize the service at a standard rate. See Rates and Plans Here
If you are an individual looking for opportunities via the HACU Global Faculty Exchange, please visit www.jobs.hacu.net and follow the steps to register under the "job seeker" category. For questions, please contact our technical team at 210-576-3246.
Company History
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) was established in 1986 with a founding membership of eighteen institutions. Because of HACU’s exemplary leadership on behalf of the nation’s youngest and fastest-growing population, the Association rapidly grew in numbers and national impact.
Today, HACU represents more than 500 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America, Spain and U.S. School Districts. Although our member institutions in the U.S. represent only 17% of all higher education institutions nationwide, together they are home to two-thirds of all Hispanic college students. HACU is the only national educational association that represents Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs).
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